INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL POLICIES <p><strong><em>International</em></strong><strong><em> Journal of Educational Policies </em></strong>is a refereed, international, biannual online-only journal that is policy-oriented and committed to promoting debate about education policies and politics among academics, activists, educators from schools. Manuscripts which are provide critical perspective against to discriminative, nationalist and neo-liberal policies are especially welcome. Racist, sexist, nationalist and all kind discriminative language in the manuscripts is not tolerated.</p> <p>E-ISSN:1307-3842</p> ICPRES Initiative-Hasan Hüseyin Aksoy en-US INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL POLICIES 1307-3842 <h1><strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Creative Commons License Options</span><br /></strong></h1> <ul> <li><strong><a href="">CC BY-NC-ND</a></strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: This license allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">CC BY-NC-ND includes the following elements: </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">BY – Credit must be given to the creator,</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">NC – Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted, </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">ND – No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">For the details and historical information check the license at </span><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span></li> </ul> Universal Basic Income & Common Good: Lessons From The Covid19 Pandemia. <p>The global COVID19 pandemic has caused at least three interrelated crises. The first, a socio-health crisis with millions of infected people and deaths around the world. Only in Spain, official statistics refer to over 100,000 deaths due to the pandemic. Incidence that varies significantly according to the social stratum of people, affecting more seriously the most vulnerable social sectors, the subaltern social classes and the immigrant population. A second crisis, the economic one, which has put on the table the falsehoods and mirages of the neoliberal capitalist discourse, by crudely showing, on the one hand, the limitations of the privatization of central pillars of the social welfare state; and on the other hand, the limitations of the strategy of precariousness of the labor market and the degradation of essential jobs for society such as those related to the care of people, education, health, but also those related to the supply and distribution of products and goods. And a third crisis, related to the periods of paralysis of the productive process and therefore of the circulatory process of capital, which pose a potential systemic risk for the survival of capitalism itself. In any case, the different facets and dimensions of the crisis generated by COVID19 have forced us to rethink how we should organize the distribution of wealth and employment, the social utility of jobs, and the organization and goals of education.</p> <p>It is in the crises of capitalism where it is possible to see the real operation of the logics that sustain it, and it is in the capitalist crises where it is possible to glimpse potentially antagonistic proposals -such as the Universal Basic Income-. Thus, it is in the crises of the old dominant social order, where it is possible to glimpse the cracks and spaces for the generation of antagonistic and emancipatory alternatives to capitalism.</p> Juan Ramón Rodríguez Fernández Copyright (c) 2023 Creative Commons V.4 2023-12-16 2023-12-16 16 1-2 3 21 36-72 Aylık Çocukları Olan Ailelerin Pandemi Sürecine Yönelik Deneyimleri (Fulltext TR) The Problems Experienced by Families with Their 36-72 Months Old Children During the Pandemic Process (Abstract EN) <p>The Covid-19 pandemic has caused changes in the daily lives, routines, relationships and behaviours of people of all ages. Although the pandemic process has affected people of all age groups, it has had negative effects on children, especially young children and their families. Based on this idea, the study aimed to determine the experiences of families with children aged 36-72 months regarding the pandemic process. The research is a qualitative research using phenomenological design. Mothers and fathers of 36-72-month-old children were included in the study. The research participants consisted of fourteen parents, seven mothers, and seven fathers. The research data were collected using a semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers. With the coding of the data documents, five themes were formed as "Routines in Pandemic", "Social Life in Pandemic", "Children's Interests in Pandemic", "Problems in Pandemic" and "Benefits of Pandemic". It was determined that the family's going out routines were disrupted during the pandemic, the tendency to spend time at home increased and hobbies performed outdoors were abandoned. Children's sleep routines were disrupted, and there was an increase in the variety of activities that parents do with their children. Children developed more sensitivity about hygiene, especially hand washing. Children who could not see their friends increased their desire to play games and do activities with their parents. There has been an increase in children's playing games with their families, the duration of play at home and the amount of toys taken home. In addition to these, it is seen that there is a greater tendency towards table-top activities such as leftover material activities, painting/painting activities, activities for the development of fine motor skills, and board games. It was determined that the most common activity during the day was watching television, and pandemic conditions led parents and children to use technological devices. Looking at the problems for children during the pandemic; it is seen that there are contents such as increased use of technology, an increased expectation of attention from parents, decreased friendships, inability to discharge energy, and aggressive behaviours. Considering the problems of the pandemic process for parents; at the end of the long periods spent at home. In line with the findings obtained in the study, suggestions were presented to experts and researchers.</p> <p><strong>Özet</strong></p> <p>Covid-19 pandemisi, her yaştan insanın günlük yaşamı, rutinleri, ilişkileri ve davranışlarını etkilemiştir. Her yaş grubundan insan pandemi sürecinden etkilenmiş olsa da çocuklar, özellikle de küçük çocuklar ve aileleri için olumsuz etkileri söz konusu olmuştur. Bu düşünceden hareketle, araştırmada 36-72 aylık çocukları olan ailelerin pandemi sürecine yönelik deneyimlerini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, fenomenolojik desenin kullanıldığı nitel bir araştırmadır. Araştırmaya 36-72 aylık çocukların anne ve babaları dahil edilmiştir. Araştırma katılımcıları yedi anne ve yedi baba olmak üzere on dört ebeveynden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma verileri araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanmış olan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile toplanmıştır. Veri dokümanlarının kodlanması ile birlikte Pandemide Rutinler”, “Pandemide Sosyal Hayat”, “Pandemide Çocukların İlgi Alanları” ve “Pandemide Yaşanan Sorunlar” ve<strong> “</strong>Pandeminin Kazandırdıkları<strong>”</strong> olmak üzere beş tema oluşturulmuştur. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgulara göre hafta sonunu yapılan etkinliklerde, uyku düzeninde, evde çocuklarla yapılan etkinliklerde, hijyene gösterilen hassasiyette değişimler görülmektedir. Ebeveynlerin çocuklarına yönelik sürekli bir aktivite arayışı içinde olmaları pandemi döneminde yaşanılan deneyimler arasında yer almaktadır. Elde edilen verilere göre bu dönemde çocukların arkadaşlık ilişkinlerinin sınırlandığı, okullarından uzakta kaldıkları, teknoloji kullanımına yöneldikleri, ebeveynleri ile vakit geçirme taleplerinde artış meydana geldiği ve kitap okuma/dinleme alışkanlıklarının arttığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Ebeveynlerin kendilerini engellenmiş hissettikleri, arkadaş ortamlarından uzaklaştıkları, sosyal faaliyetlerin sekteye uğradığı görülmektedir. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda uzmanlara ve araştırmacılara öneriler sunulmuştur.</p> Aysel Köksal Akyol Ayşenur Uluğ Copyright (c) 2023 Creative Commons V.4 2023-12-16 2023-12-16 16 1-2 23 47 Transformation of Democratic Participation Because of the Neoliberal Policies in Schools and Cities <p>This study aims to expand one of the authors' thesis topics. The goal is to focus on introduction of 'participation' into schools through neoliberal policies. It is argued that due to the smaller state policy of neoliberalism, public services have lost their economic resources and power, and democratic participation in schools is equated with economic participation and contribution, in this part. The writing draws a similarity between cities losing their importance as social and cultural life moved to isolated luxury sites in neoliberalism, and public schools where economic participation is encouraged. It is wanted to say that neoliberal participation is encouraged in every sense, and emphasis is placed on transparent management and entrepreneurial school management. It is intended to emphasize that the relations between education, school and democracy should be re-established and defined in accordance with the importance and essence of the subject, outside the framework of 'democracy' and 'participation' imposed by neoliberalism.</p> Aslıhan Hancı Copyright (c) 2023 Creative Commons V.4 2023-12-16 2023-12-16 16 1-2 49 65