Türkiye’de Yükseköğretimin Finansmanına İlişkin Eleştirel Bir Değerlendirme (TR) Critical Evaluation of the Financing of Higher Education in Turkey (EN)


  • Ali İlker Kurt Ministry of National Education, Turkey


Financing higher education, expenditure per student, current expenditure, capital expenditures, transfer expenditures. , Yükseköğretimin finansmanı, öğrenci başına düşen harcama, cari harcamalar, sermaye harcamaları, transfer harcamaları.


In this study, public expenditures made by state universities determined within the scope of the research between 2012-2020 in Turkey were analyzed separately as current, capital and transfer expenditures. While there was an increase in the resources allocated to higher education in Turkey until 2016, it is seen that this increase stopped in 2017-2018 and started to decrease after 2019. Although the increase in public expenditures is a desirable development, it seems inevitable that the decreases in recent years will affect universities. It is essential to what extent universities are affected by the increase or decrease in public resources, at what level the differences between universities in expenditures per student occur and whether there are differences in the types of expenditures. With the help of these analyzes, both the determination of the weighted expenditures of the universities and the level of capital investment in accordance with the increasing number of students in our country can be determined.


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