Academic Capitalism: A University or a Company?


  • Rozerin Yaşa Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey


Market-Oriented Higher Education, Neoliberalism, University, Academic Capitalism


The role and purpose of higher education in contemporary societies is frequently discussed. It has been argued that capitalism's drive for dominance in society extends to the academia and education as well. Academic capitalism entails that the academia should prioritise serving market goals and the economy, over society and scholarly pursuits. Slaughter and Rhoades (2000) contend that academic capitalism results in the perception of higher education as a branch of the business world, where universities serve neoliberal tendencies. According to Apple (2004), neoliberal policies and education pursue goals such as spreading an unfounded ideology dubbed the ‘free market’, significantly decreasing state responsibility in responding to social needs, emphasising competitive structures inside and outside of schools, diminishing people's anticipation of economic stability, and imposing cultural and bodily ‘discipline’ as the central storyline. Neoliberal restructuring of universities commodifies higher education, making it more of a product than a public service. Moreover, students are turned into mere consumers and the academia is isolated from traditional values. Consequently, this study discusses the impacts of neoliberal policies in the academia within the context of academic capitalism.



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