An alternative learning environment outside the classroom wall: Association of Seker Portakali for education & culture


  • Naciye Aksoy Gazi Üniversity
  • Nuri Barış Ince Hacettepe University
  • Ülkü Çoban Sural Gazi University


Critical public pedagogy, Alternative learning environment, Local community


The aim of this study is to describe the activities of the Association of Seker Portakali for Education and Culture (in Turkish acronym ŞPED, Şeker Portakalı Eğitim ve Kültür Derneği) in Ankara, a local community association that provides critical reading culture and learning experiences, based on the experiences and feelings of children, adults, parents, founder members and volunteer educators. For this purpose, initially the educational policy context in Turkey is briefly addressed. Subsequently, the historical background of the Seker Portakali Educational Association, where the study was conducted, from its foundation up to today is provided. As a case study design data as regards the types, contents, and practice of the educational activities towards the children and adults is collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis. The experiences of those founder member of the association (1), the children (7), adults (7), parents (6), and volunteer educators (2) that participate in the activities were examined and assessed through qualitative research perspective. The findings show that as an example of public pedagogy ŞPED creates alternative learning opportunities for every members of it even with a limited financial and human sources.


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