From the Editor: Another science and education is possible! [Editörden: Başka bir bilim ve eğitim mümkün!]


  • Hasan Hüseyin Aksoy Ankara University




I am glad that we concluded with the 17th volume of IJEP with the solidarity of our colleagues, friends and comrades. With the authors, referees and editorial members who spent their time and labor for the articles placed here, this issue became possible. I thank them all.

In this volume we show our international interest with the subjects placed in it. The authors are from Turkey and most of them are promising young scholars. I congratulate each of them and thank for their interest and commitment to publishing in IJEP. Publishing in IJEP may not provide a big reward for an institutional competition but it gives us confidence that we are in solidarity with the people who support the science for the people not for profit. We know that there is not one scientific understanding regarding methodologies. But it should go beyond the differences between the methodologies. We expect to see more and to show more that “there is another science” which is for the people of the world not for profit. I can say that this kind of scientific engagement is not contrary to the other species and the nature of which we are a part.  This point of view is also valid for the education. Education for all and for free, not for profit.





