Prospective Teachers’ Experiences in Community Service Practices Course in Terms of Transformational Learning Theory


  • Gökçe Güvercin Maltepe University
  • Gülşen Varlıklı Maltepe University


Community Service Practices (CSP) is a compulsory course in teacher training programs since 2006 in Turkey. The aim of the course is to enable students to transfer the theoretical knowledge to practice, and to gain awareness and integrate with the society and related problems in line with the skills they have acquired during their undergradutate education. There is a need to clarify the structure of the course and the contributions of the relevant stakeholders to the realization of this targeted integration through ampric findings. The aim of this research is to examine the situation of teacher candidates’ experiencing transformational learning and the factors that affect these experiences. In this research, which was patterned according to the survey model, mixed designs were used from the techniques of inter-method diversification. The participants of the study consisted of 185 teacher candidates, six faculty members, seven authorities of the implication institutions. The data were collected via Learning Activities Scale and semi structured interview form at the spring semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. The collected data analyzed using the integrated analysis method. According to the research findings, participants had a high rate of transformational potential while having a low rate of transformational learning experience. Among the elements that facilitate the transformation are the facilitator role of the faculty members, the practical structure of the course and the willingness of the students for the experience of learning by doing. One of the reasons for the limited level of transformation was the limitation of the time allocated to the course. For a sustainable transformational learning experience within the scope of the course, the need to construct the teacher education system in order to gain the skills necessary for holistic transformational learning is among the recommendations of the research.


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